What to expect
All Are Welcome Here!

Our hour-long, Sunday Celebration Services offer a chance to connect, grow and ignite your spirit. Our services honor all paths to God and the Universal Truths found throughout world religions — we believe in celebrating and sharing the good in the world. With world-class music and inspiring speakers, we dedicate Sunday mornings to exploring new ideas and learning practical spiritual tools for a happier, healthier life.

Whether you’re attending for the first time or have been part of the CSL community for years, we hope you will feel a warm welcome when you attend a Sunday Service.

  • Our services are held at Brookview Community Center in Golden Valley.  316 Brookview Pkwy, Golden Valley MN. Free parking is available around the Center.
  • You will be greeted by a volunteer when you enter. Feel free to let them know if it is your first time visiting and ask any questions you may have.
  • Come as you are! There is no dress code — you will see as many jeans and Birkenstocks as you do dresses, suits, and ties. What’s most important to us is that you feel comfortable being your authentic self.
  • You will hear us use the words, God, higher power, spirit, and many others that describe the presence we believe governs the universe. We use these terms in the broadest sense: to name a power greater than ourselves, not necessarily referring to a deity as defined by a specific religious tradition. We encourage you to use the language that feels right to you.