Welcome to Center for Spiritual Living Minneapolis

We are united in our belief in a Power greater than ourselves and we can consciously use it.

We start with the simple idea that God, known by many different names in many different traditions, is a force for good — not only in the world but also within each of us. We believe that this invisible force governs everything in the universe. Through spiritual practice, each of us seeks to discover our immediate relationship to this Power and to partner with it to create positive change in our life.

For us, faith isn’t a single revelation given to a chosen people. It’s a correlation between the most empowering and Universal Truths found in religious texts from around the world, and in the discoveries of science.

Ultimately, we believe in the Good — in the universe, in each other, and in ourselves.


We are a welcoming spiritual community serving as a force for good in the World.

We teach universal spiritual principles that inspire and empower.