Welcome to Center for Spiritual Living Minneapolis!

We start with the simple proposition that a Higher Power, known by many names in many different traditions around the world, is a force for good - not only around, but also within, every individual. Our doors and hearts are open to all seeking wisdom, inspiration, and connection. Does this ring true to you? Explore further with us.

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Rev. Debby O'Donnell's Weekly Message

July 2024  Theme – “The Freedom Factor”

As we celebrate the independence of our nation this month, we will also celebrate the idea of being free – truly free.  Each week, we will apply the “Freedom Factor” to a different aspect of our lives and emerge stronger, more empowered Incarnations of the Divine.  


July 2024 Spiritual Mind Treatment Click Here
This Coming Sunday's Service
“Freedom to Find Wisdom” with Rev. Debby O'Donnell

The Jewish Torah reads: “Happy and free are those who find wisdom . . .She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare to her . . . Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace . . .Get wisdom, get insight; do not forget!”  Today we explore the power of finding wisdom and our inherent freedom to do so.